

  • 1– U.Chathurani Thibbotuwa, A.Cortés, A. Irizar. Ultrasound-Based Smart Corrosion Monitoring System for Offshore Wind Turbines. Applied Sciences (January 2022)
  • 2– A.Guisasola,A.Cortés,J.Cejudo,A. de Silva,M. Losada, P.Bustamante. Reliable and Low-Power Communications System Based on IR-UWB for Offshore Wind Turbines. Electronics (February 2022)
  • 3– J. Verhelst, I. Coudron, A. P. Ompusunggu. SCADA-compatible and scaleable visualization tool for corrosion monitoring of offshore wind turbine structures.MDPI Applied Sciences (February 2022)
  • 4-S.Barber,  L. A. M. Lima and Sakagami, Yoshiaki and Quick, Julian and Latiffianti, Effi and Liu, Yichao , R.Ferrari and Letzgus, Simon and Zhang, Xujie and , F. Hammer. Enabling Co-Innovation for a Successful Digital Transformation in Wind Energy Using a New Digital Ecosystem and a Fault Detection Case Study. Energies (August 2022)
  • 5– R.Brijder, C. H M Hagen, A. Cortés, A. Irizar, U. Chathurani Thibbotuwa, S. Helsen, S. Vásquez, A. Partogi Ompusunggu. Review of corrosion monitoring and prognostics in offshore wind turbine structures: Current status and feasible approaches. Frontiers in Energy Research, section Wind Energy (September 2022)
  • 6– U. Chathurani Thibbotuwa ,A. Cortés,A. Irizar. Small Ultrasound-Based Corrosion Sensor for Intraday Corrosion Rate Estimation. Sensors. As part of the Special Issue Smart Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring and Nondestructive Evaluation. (November 2022)
  •  7– S.Vasquez, R. Brijder, J. Verhelst, A. Partogi Ompusunggu . Detection, Prognosis and Decision Support Tool for Offshore Wind Turbine Structures.Wind  MDP (November 2022)
  • 8-Jean Gonzalez Silva,Riccardo Ferrari,Jan-Willem van Wingerden, «Wind farm control for wake-loss compensation, thrust balancing and load-limiting of turbines, Renewable Energies, 2023 (in press)

Commercial Material

Leaflet of the WATEREYE project

The leaflet of the WATEREYE project can be downloaded here: WATEREYE Leaflet


Use cases and scenarios definition

Design specifications for stochastic WF control including optimal O&M

Corrosion testing in field

Smart corrosion sensors &communications specifications

Specifications for the data, models, diagnosis, prognosis, decision support and fault tolerant control

Mobile platform SWAP, IPS, Preliminary design and ICD

Integration and test of the monitoring design, communications and mobile platform

Services for data acquisition, storage and access

Decision Support System as CBM tool for WT structures

Fault Tolerant Wind Turbine Control

Weather and Operation Forecast Tool

DLL implementing a probabilistic state-space WF model

Real-time probabilistic analysis of WFs

Optimal WF control algorithms based on state of corrosion and maintenance constraints

WF controller including maintenance scheduling based on corrosion predictions

Integration & Validation plan

WATEREYE Monitoring HW (WP2) & SW (WP3) integration & validation at lab scale

WATEREYE WF control tools integration

WATEREYE Monitoring validation in relevant environment

Results of the replicability and transferability analysis in the ocean sector

Project web-site

EEAB establishment, members, roles and planning

Dissemination material

WATEREYE Initial dissemination workshop/event

WATEREYE Final dissemination workshop/event

2nd version of Dissemination material

3th version of Dissemination material